          to reduce suicides [Leading factors behind soldier suicides are troubled personal relationships; legal, financial and work problems; and repeated deployments and longer tours in Afghanistan and Iraq, the Army says.]( )"troubled personal relationships"Tell the 酒店工作m that they are their parents's debt, therefore, they should just leave their parents alone, unless they need their parents to be their slaves.Tell them that if they really love that woman, they should love her enough to respect whate 長灘島ver she chooses to do, if she showed too sick to be cured, they should give her a best shot to leave, if they don't indeed love her then they should just leave her alone, if she ask him to divorce her, then he should divorce her, then kill her, because he&# 蜜桃之心39;s military member must not afford his partner falling into invisible enemy arms. He must not divorce her if she loves him truly, because his life is belonging to his country, he has no right to divorce a woman who truly loves him once he promised to service her free of charge. You m 情趣用品ust not kill yourself, because that kill is out of our Mighty God blocks; your love one killed, if you want to blame someone, you must always blame our Mighty God first, because without our Mighty God agrees, none of us can be killed, your love one died under one good shot, you must thank God bless your l 聊天室ove one out of long bed time lies deadly ahead. [legal, financial and work problems]Then, it must be your military suck, how could any man gives his life to his nation need to deal with that sucking problem? Military member must have nothing to do with civil right. All military member should work for military, they take orde 情色性愛rs. Damn. (I suggest US military set a hot line for any church cannot afford to keep their building lot to give up their ownerhsip back to US military, and I suggest US military to set a hot line for any H0A to give up their public place like memorial northwest club house back to military, and I suggest any home owner cannot afford to own their 情色自拍own house to give up their owership to militry to exchange military offer their free daily needs like every military member can afford to have the boarding dorm. If you military cannot afford to feed the bill, how dare you expect any your less evil good better best US citizen can afford to do like that? Therefore, you must use your force[because uniformed force must 色情免費影片have no way to act like Rebel barbarian hot, therefore, you must not use your force to get anything for selfish gain, therefore, you must service all your people those daily needed supply free of charge. Anyone wants to have more, they must work for you military free of charge.] to kill all those "Way.Food.Boot.Ren" share holders and their slaves, in order to take over all daily needed supply 色情下載that should belong to all your USA good better best citizen to shared free of charge.) "and repeated deployments and longer tours in Afghanistan and Iraq, the Army says." Let those who love Afgh and Iraq to choose to become Afgh and Irqa citizen to help strengthen Afgh and Iraq military force. .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 情色av  .

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